Eating Disorders &
Stepped Care
What is Stepped Care?
Stepped care is an evidence-based, staged system involving a series of interventions, from the least to the most intensive, that can be matched to a person’s needs. This model of care allows people to 'step up' or 'step down' the intensity of treatment based on people’s needs and preferences.
The model is founded on the following principles:
People should not have to wait for a basic level of services
Different people require different levels of care
Treatment interventions should be matched to an individual's unique needs
A general guideline in eating disorder treatment is that the right level of care for a person is the one at which they can stop the eating disorder behaviors for a sustainable period of time. Requiring more support is not negative, it simply means that is the stage where one is at in their recovery.
Why Stepped Care?
The potential long-term impact of a stepped care model for eating disorder treatment includes increasing the capacity for treating eating disorders in Canada, bridging gaps in current care services, and reducing the economic burden of eating disorder management on the healthcare system.
The stepped care journey below shows an overview of typical care pathways for eating disorder recovery in Ontario. To learn about stepped care service providers available to residents of Ontario, Canada - scroll down to 'Ontario Service Providers by Step'.
*Many treatment services are currently virtual due to COVID-19
Ontario Service Providers by Step
This information was collected via NEDIC’s Find a Provider Tool, for the purpose of separating supports into stepped care sections. This list is not exhaustive and may be subject to change. Please note that many of the hospital-based programs listed below only serve residents of a specific region of Ontario (their "catchment areas"). NEDIC provides information, resources, referrals, and in-the-moment support to Canadians affected by eating disorders. If you’d like to talk through some of these care options, you can connect with a trained support worker through their helpline and instant chat service.
Helpline: 1-866-NEDIC-20 (416-340-4156 in Toronto)
Instant Chat: www.nedic.ca
Monday to Thursday, 9:00 am – 9:00 pm EST
Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm EST
Saturday & Sunday, 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm EST
Inpatient Treatment ​
Toronto General Hospital~ - Eating Disorder Program (ages 17+) - Toronto
Credit Valley Hospital - Eating Disorders Program (ages 18+)- Mississauga
The Hospital for Sick Children (children & adolescents) - Eating Disorder Program (ages 8-18) Toronto
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) - Regional Eating Disorders Program for Children and Adolescents (ages 8-17) - Ottawa
Ottawa Hospital - Regional Centre for the Treatment of Eating Disorders (ages 18+) - Ottawa
McMaster Children’s Hospital - Eating Disorder Program (ages 8-18) - Hamilton
Residential Treatment
*limited OHIP coverage
Bellwood Health Services~ - Eating Disorder Program (ages 17+) - Toronto
Homewood Health – Guelph (private in-person treatment, age 16+)
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences - Eating Disorders Unit (ages 12-17) - Whitby
Day Hospitalization ​
Credit Valley Hospital - Eating Disorders Program (ages 18+)- Mississauga
The Hospital for Sick Children (children & adolescents) - Eating Disorder Program (ages 8-18) Toronto
​​North York General Hospital - Eating Disorders Program ages 12+) - Toronto
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) - Regional Eating Disorders Program for Children and Adolescents (ages 8-17) - Ottawa
Ottawa Hospital - Regional Centre for the Treatment of Eating Disorders (ages 18+) - Ottawa
McMaster Children’s Hospital - Eating Disorder Program (ages 8-18) - Hamilton
Intensive Outpatient Treatment ​
Toronto General Hospital~ - Eating Disorder Program (ages 17+) - Toronto
William Osler Health System - Eating Disorder Clinic (ages 12+) - Brampton
​​North York General Hospital - Eating Disorders Program (ages 12+) - Toronto
Windsor Essex Intensive Outpatient Program - (ages 16+) - Windsor-Essex Regions
Outpatient Treatment
St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton - Eating Disorders Program (ages 16+) - Hamilton
The Hospital for Sick Children (children & adolescents) - Eating Disorder Program (ages 8-18) Toronto
Health Sciences North - Regional Eating Disorder Program (ages 8+) - Sudbury
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) - Regional Eating Disorders Program for Children and Adolescents (ages 8-17) - Ottawa
London Health Science Centre - Adult Eating Disorder Service (ages 17+) - London
Ottawa Hospital - Regional Centre for the Treatment of Eating Disorders (ages 18+) - Ottawa
McMaster Children’s Hospital - Eating Disorder Program (ages 8-18) - Hamilton
South Lake Regional Health Care (adolescents & young adults) - Newmarket
Lakeridge Health Network - Eating Disorder Program (adolescents & adults) - Oshawa
Woodstock General Hospital - Eating Disorder Program for Youth and Adults (ages 12+) - Woodstock
Health Sciences North - Regional Eating Disorder Program (ages 8+) - Sudbury
Peterborough Regional Health Centre - Eating Disorder Program (ages 8+) - Peterborough
Alexandra Marine & General Hospital - Huron Outreach Eating Disorders Program (ages 12+) - Goderich, Wingham, Clinton, Exeter, and Seaforth
Halton Healthcare - Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders Program (Under the age of 18) - Oakville
Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association (BANA) (ages 20+)
Community-Based Individual Programming ​
Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association (BANA) (ages 20+)
Community-Based Group Support
*including Peer Support
Body Brave~ (free group support, age 17+)
Sheena’s Place (free group support, age 17+)
Eating Disorder Support Network of Alberta~ (reduced cost group support, age 18+)
Silver Linings Foundation~ (reduced cost group support, adolescents & adults)
Hopewell Eating Disorder Support Centre (ages 17+)
Danielle’s Place (ages 8-17)
Eating Disorders Nova Scotia~ (free peer support, age 14+)
The Looking Glass Foundation (free peer support, age 14+)
Fighting Eating Disorders in Underrepresented Populations (FEDUP) (free peer support for gender-diverse folx & QTBIPOC folx)
Nalgona Positivity Pride (free peer support for Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour) age 18+)
Self-Guided Support
Body Brave~ (Recovery Support Program free to Canadian residents, age 14+)
Helpline Support
National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC)~ (free support and navigation helpline and live chat)​​​
​Instant Chat: www.nedic.ca​
​​​​​Helpline: 1-866-NEDIC-20 (416-340-4156 in Toronto)
- Monday to Thursday, 9:00 am – 9:00 pm EST
- Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm EST
- Saturday & Sunday, 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm EST
Information and Resources
National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) - 1-866-NEDIC-20
National Initiative For Eating Disorders (NIED) exists to give hope and support to individuals with an Eating Disorder and their caregivers. We do this by developing and sharing educational resources and information, conducting, or participating in research, and taking action to address the needs of Canadians impacted by Eating Disorders.
Note: Providers noted with an (~) consider themselves ‘Inclusive and affirmative of gay, lesbian, and bisexual people’ and ‘Inclusive and affirmative of trans*, Two-Spirit and non-binary people’ within NEDIC’s Find A Provider Tool filters.​​​
Additional Resources
A Guide to Discussing Your Concern with a Primary Care Provider
In order to feel more prepared, you can save or print these guides to fill out and take to your primary care provider when discussing your concerns.
Pathways to Care by Black Health Alliance
Pathways to Care is project, created by Black Health Alliance, aimed at removing barriers and improving access to mental health and addictions services for Black children, youth and their families in 6 cities across Ontario. You can explore mental health resources for Black folks using their Interactive Map and ConnectMe tools.
Resources for all Canadians from the National Eating Disorders Information Center (NEDIC)
Find a Provider Tool: search for eating disorder service providers within your local area
Community-based services by Province: information about community-based service providers by Province
Resources to Finding a Family Health Care Provider in Your Area
Health Care Connect: Health Care Connect is a program launched by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to help Ontarians without a family health care provider find one.