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Dr. Karen Trollope-Kumar (she/her), M.D, PhD, CCFP - मैं हिंदी और उर्दू बोलती हूँ

Chief Medical Officer

Karen Trollope-Kumar is a family physician with over 30 years of clinical experience. In addition to her medical qualifications, she holds a PhD in medical anthropology. She is an Associate Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at McMaster University, and has been involved in medical education for many years, teaching medical students in her clinical practice, and later serving as Co-Director of the Professional Competencies program at McMaster.

She’s also been involved with continuing medical education forfamily physicians at a national level. Major changes occurred in her life when her daughter Sonia became ill with an eating disorder. Karen realized then how many gaps exist in education, research and treatment of eating disorders. Sonia recovered from her illness after an arduous struggle.

Karen and Sonia founded Body Brave in 2017, a non-profit corporation based in Hamilton aimed at providing support and advocacy for people with eating disorders. A second focus of Body Brave is to develop an e-platform that could serve as a hub for training and education about eating disorders. In Karen’s role as Program Director at Body Brave, she hopes to use her background and skills both to develop programming as well as to promote the e-platform.

Karen is also a published author. She just released her memoir, Cloud Messenger, which has won a Canada Book Award.

Dr. Karen Trollope-Kumar (she/her), M.D, PhD, CCFP - मैं हिंदी और उर्दू बोलती हूँ
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