Body image is a topic that is near and dear to my heart and it’s been a dream to create a book about it for children. I wanted to write this book because growing up, I struggled with my own body image and I wish I had more exposure to resources like books that helped me to understand and also challenge what I was feeling. It’s very important for children to learn about these topics especially since they begin to form a relationship with their bodies from a young age.

Body Image – Because All Bodies are Great Bodies: In the world we live in, we are constantly surrounded by false messages about what we should look like and this can be harmful. What we look like is really not that important, what matters more is the kind of person we are, the things that we are passionate about, and what makes us unique. This book offers information, quizzes, comics and real-life situations to help with critical thinking and dealing with conflicts as it relates to body image. For ages 9-14 .
Body Image: Because All Bodies Are Great Bodies is now available in Canada for purchase and it will be available for purchase in the U.S. on August 1st.
For more information visit: https://www.dothetoughstuff.com/post/my-first-book-is-out